Terms of service

When you commission me, you agree my terms of service.

What i drawWhat i won't draw
Humans/kemonomimisRealistic style
TTRPG (example: DnD)Mecha
Furry.Copy other artist style

Timeline◇ The completion of the commission can take between one to three weeks per each drawing.
◇ Along the process, i will show you three important revisions: Sketch | Lineart | Flat colors.
◇ I need your confirmation before start the next stage.
◇ You can avoid recive this revisions, the commission can be delivered faster, but you can't ask for changes later.
◇ Bigger changes only in sketch stage, before that i only accept small lineart changes or color changes.
Payment◇ The client have to pay within 72 hours, and must pay 100% upfront.
◇ Only paypal, with usd currency.
◇ I only accept refunds before start the sketch.
◇ Only for personal use, commercial use are the original price x2
◇ By default, i can publish and use your commission as example. If you want a private commission tell me first.
◇ I have the right to refuse a commission if I don't feel comfortable with you or you idea.